James Martinos has over 25 years of Fortune 100 business level experience in several leadership and technical level positions and industries. From engineering, to software development, to manufacturing, to financial services (banking/brokerage/insurance), including public and private management services, to credit card processing, to sales and marketing.
These varied opportunities in business helped teach and provide valuable experience rounding out his business understanding and leadership to help build high-performance teams and profitable organizations.
He has worked for some of the best Fortune 100 Companies like General Electric, McDonnell Douglas, Digital Equipment Corporation, IBM, MasterCard, A.G. Edwards, Microsoft, Dycorp International, Symantec, and IAP Worldwide Services.
He started his career with GE as an engineer working in the aerospace industry, flight simulation division and CAD/CAM. While at GE he was in the 3 year Edison Program which had a limited number of employees participate in each year. The Edison Engineering Development Program (EEDP) accelerates participants’ professional and technical development within GE’s Advance Courses in Engineering and a variety of business-critical engineering assignments.
The EEDP Program at GE opened his eyes to the full aspects of a business and helped shape his long-term career objectives. Early on in his career he sought to understand all aspects of running and building a business. Therefore, he has held positions in engineering, manufacturing, software development, sales and marketing while learning the best practices of financial disciplines of business.
At his core, he strives to help businesses increase their bottom-line by increasing their revenues, help them saving money with best practice improvements, work-flow, and more efficient methods and helps them find innovative ways to give them a competitive over their competition.